The meaning of the German word Morgenrot is the reddish coloration of the eastern sky before sunrise.
Innovative application of 3d printing technology in the field of spectacle frame making. Fashionable Laser-sintered eyewear, some models with basic front and exchangeable clip-on parts for a completely different shape of the frame and/or for a clip on with sun lens.
Morgenrot Eyewear 的設計師 Joachim Bischoff 一直致力研發利用3D打印技術設計眼鏡,更於2015年的法國SILMO眼鏡展上獲得設計大獎。
Morgenrot Eyewear的3D Printing 眼鏡利用先進的激光燒結技術, 能打造不同形狀的鏡框, 更可立體打印細緻的紋理,與一貫利用雷射切割的鏡框不同。
設計師 Joachim Bischoff 特意採用尼龍與鈦金屬打造鏡框,使鏡框變得輕巧,更可染出鮮艷奪目的顏色,例如鮮艷的紅,橙,黃等顏色,罕有的天空藍, 海藍等顏色亦可打印出來,提供百變的顏色及造型。
ORIGIN: Germany
WEBSITE: http://www.morgenrot-eyewear.com/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/morgenroteyewear/