MOVITRA (Milan) was founded in 2014 by three creative individuals and friends – Filippo Pagliacci, Giuseppe Pizzuto and Diego Ponzetto – when an intuitive idea for a completely new eyewear design with a
revolutionary closing mechanism came to fruition. The system, which allows the frames to rotate, causing the temples to overlap on both sides of the lenses, protects them from scratches and accidental impact. Patented for the first time in 2016, the smart, one-of-a-kind design concept generated immediate attention from the press and the general public, industry professionals and consumers alike. Since its conception, the mechanism has evolved. Today it is an advanced laser welded system, with a reduced size and extraordinary versatility suited to all materials including metal and titanium.


MOVITRA於2014年由三位富有創意的設計師—Filippo Pagliacci、Giuseppe Pizzuto 和 Diego Ponzetto共同創立,作品融合了華麗風格與先進技術,完美體現其口號 「2 souls, 1 brand」的創意精神。其專利的鎖定系統,能讓鏡框作 180 度旋轉,使鏡腿可以前後覆蓋鏡片兩側,從而保護鏡片免受刮擦和意外撞擊。