Spectaful focuses on technological innovation to design new mechanisms
for visual comfort. We experiment with new processes to achieve new technical solutions that offer a constantly innovative product with made with aluminium and durable Technopolymer – USED FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE FIELD OF EYEWEAR. We plan, design and make the products in Italy, using materials of Italian origin.

Spectaful致力研發創新的技術,尤其注重鏡架的舒適感。在不斷嘗試及實驗下,Spectaful使用了一種在眼鏡界內從未被使用的物料 – Technopolymer高科技聚合物,混合了鋁金屬來製造鏡架。Spectaful所有的鏡架由設計到生產,整個程序都在意大利,而原材料方面也從意大利取材,是名符其實的意大利製造。